Lisa Lightheart’s Happy Space
Welcome to my happy space where Lisa Lightheart Inspirational Gift Books come to life and random inspirations happen! I’ve had four studio spaces since starting my adventure as an author and illustrator. The funny thing is most of my Lisa Lightheart inspirations don’t begin in the studio. Most begin sitting on my bed! Many come in the wee hours of the night or the early morning hours. Some start while I’m in the shower, puttering in my garden, driving down the road, taking a walk, or even out shopping. I never know when Lisa Lightheart is going to sneak up on me! Of course, the finishing touches occur in the studio. Thanks for visiting my happy space.
I’m kind of a paper fanatic. When the inspiration strikes, I’ve used plain art journals, legal pads, cheap white paper, cheap notebook paper, index cards, little notepads I carry in my purse, and even a grocery list, napkin, receipt or my hand if I’m desperate for something to write on. Sometimes, I like to cut and paste my rough sketches together with scotch tape!